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Onboarding a Tenant


ID Created Author Status
0003 08/04/2024 Jacob Woffenden 🟡 In Review

Currently there is no formal process for onboarding a tenant onto Observability Platform.

The informal process is:

  1. Observability Platform agree to onboard tenant.

  2. Tenant creates Observability Platform read-only resources in their account(s).

    module "observability_platform" {
      source  = "ministryofjustice/observability-platform-tenant/aws"
      version = "<see for latest>"
      observability_platform_account_id = local.environment_management.account_ids["observability-platform-${ENVIRONMENT}"]
  3. Tenant provides

    • Tenant name (e.g. Analytical Platform)
    • GitHub team (e.g. analytical-platform)
    • AWS account(s) and configuration
  4. Observabilty Platform creates tenant configuration in modernisation-platform-environments (observability-platform/

    tenant_configuration = {
      "tenant-name" = {
        identity_centre_team = "<GitHub team>"
        aws_accounts = {
          "observability-platform-production" = {
            cloudwatch_enabled = true
This page was last reviewed on 28 June 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on 28 September 2024 by the page owner #observability-platform .
This page was set to be reviewed before 28 September 2024 by the page owner #observability-platform. This might mean the content is out of date.